Feel free to peruse our frequently asked questions.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

What if my child is sick? Do you have a sick policy?
In addition to the physician’s examination and immunization records for enrollment, we will observe each child’s health. If we observe your child developing symptoms of illness during the day, we will isolate him or her from the other children and call you to pick up your child. For the health and well-being of your child and others, a child must be kept home if he/she develops any of the following symptoms of contagious disease until symptom free for twenty-four (24) hours or the child’s physician indicates a child can return to the center:
Severe coughing
Difficult or rapid breathing
Yellow skin or eyes
Tears, redness or eyelids with discharge
Mouth sores with or without drooling
A fever of 100°F or above
Unusual spots or rashes
Sore throat or trouble swallowing
Infected skin patches
Severe itching of body or scalp
Unusually cranky, less active behavior
Headache and stiff neck
Tea-colored urine
Loss of appetite
Gray or white stool
Heavy nasal discharge that is not clear
A parasite
Any other contagious or communicable disease
If your child has communicable disease, please inform the center immediately so we can take the necessary precautions. Children will be re-admitted to the center when they have been symptom free for twenty-four (24) hours. In certain cases when an illness is contagious and communicable, a physician‘s written release stating the child is no longer contagious will be required. The Center Director or Owner will inform you when a written release is required.
In the case of illness, accident, or injury, we will attempt to reach you first. If we are unable to reach you, the emergency contact persons will be contacted. As stated in our Enrollment Agreement, in case of a perceived emergency, we will call an ambulance. If a child does not respond, is having trouble breathing or is having a seizure, we must call 911. Until the arrival of a parent/guardian or medical professionals, a staff member in an administrative capacity will take charge of your child. In your enrollment package, there is a form authorizing The Peacock’s Plume to act on your behalf if there is an emergency. By completing this form and our enrollment forms, you are authorizing The Peacock’s Plume to call an ambulance in case of perceived emergency.
What if my family wants to take a vacation? Do you have a vacation policy?
If your child is absent for an entire week, you may use vacation time. The terms of vacation time are as follows: After six (6) continuous months of enrollment, you may use one week of vacation per year when your child is not in attendance for an entire week Monday through Friday. During the vacation week tuition will not be charged. Vacation is non-cumulative and must be taken in full-week increments. There is no credit given for single days. This time must be scheduled in writing two weeks in advance with the Center Director or Owner.
What if my child or another child misbehaves? What do you do?
The ultimate goal of behavior guidance and classroom management systems is that children learn self-discipline and become good decision makers. At The Peacock’s Plume, we use positive approaches to guide children toward these goals.
Our first step is to structure our learning environments so that there are minimal behavior problems. These proactive methods may include:
- Having multiples of favorite toys.
- Making materials easily accessible to children.
- Providing a balance of child-directed choices and teacher-directed activities over the course of a day.
- Creating stimulating and developmentally appropriate classrooms that engage and challenge children.
- Teachers moving around the room to be available to children, playing alongside them and modeling respectful and appropriate interaction strategies.
When misbehaviors do occur, teachers use a variety of techniques to address these concerns. These reactive methods may include:
Distraction (Infants and Toddlers):
- Teachers ignore the behavior while involving the child in a more positive choice.
- Teachers help a child understand that a behavior is not appropriate and focus his/her attention on a more acceptable alternative.
Normal Social Consequences:
- Teachers allow normal consequences to occur and help children recognize how their behaviors lead to these consequences.
Conflict Resolution:
- Teachers lead children in conversations with each other to solve social problems that arise in the classroom and to help them understand how their behaviors impact others.
Through observation, discussions between family and staff and documentation, teachers will work
together to determine and correct the root cause of disruptive behaviors.
Children will not be subjected to discipline which is severe, humiliating or frightening. Discipline shall not be associated with food, rest or toileting.
Spanking or any other form of physical punishment is prohibited.
Through these proactive and reactive means, The Peacock’s Plume works to treat each family with care and respect while guiding children towards the goals of self-discipline and positive decision making. We ask you to support us in modeling positive behavior with all the children at the center. Please refrain from using developmentally inappropriate language or improper behavior guidance measures while at the center.
Come Visit Us
We love what we do. Come for a tour and see why we are different!
Our Pre-School. Our Family. Our Community
The Peacock’s Plume teaches and cares for children, but also serves the needs of parents. Services change as parents needs change. Extra curricular activities and language programs are offered so that parents can allow their children to participate during the week instead of taking their children to activities on the weekends. The Peacock’s Plume programs and services can help parents like them spend quality time with their precious children!

What Our Families Are Saying